What domains does my school need to allow?
While we've been proactive in making sure our platform is not likely to be blacklisted, occasionally our services do still get blocked - particularly at an individual school level. This can include the whole site being blocked, or certain features such as our videos, our live coding lessons, or similar being blocked.
If you are blocked from our site, or simply want to proactively make sure you don't get blocked, the best solution is to contact the principal of your school or your school's IT department. Risk Assessment information for Queensland schools can be found here.
As a helpful note regardless of the situation, your school will need to allow all the following domains in order for our platform to work:
All zenva.com subdomains, including:
- app1.zenva.com (Zenva Schools application)
- contentdelivery.zenva.com (Video streaming 1)
- contentdelivery1.zenva.com (Video streaming 2)
- login.zenva.com (Login domain)
- glot.zenva.com (Live coding snippets)
- embeds.zenva.com (Interactive activities and demos)
- mp.zenva.com (Product analytics)
- drawio.zenva.com (Diagramming tool)
- zalargeprojectfiles.blob.core.windows.net (Used to host heavy course download files)
In addition, some of the live coding snippets and interactive activities that are embedded in the lessons are loaded from external services that also needed to be whitelisted in order to get the most out of the platform:
- trinket.io (optional live coding snippers in the Turtle and Pygame courses)
- jsbin.com (optional live coding snippets in the HTML, CSS and JS courses)
- scratch.mit.edu (optional live examples in the Scratch courses)
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