Users can reset their Zenva Schools password via our password reset tool at any time as long as they have a valid, registered email with their Zenva Schools account. While this will always be the case with Teachers and School Admins, students using fake emails or usernames for login will need to contact their teachers for assistance in resetting their password.
IMPORTANT: If you're using our Single Sign-On option, you should use Microsoft or Google's password reset tools instead. SSO does not give Zenva Schools the ability to change your Azure AD, Office 365, or Google password.
Resetting a password
2) Click on Lost your password?
3) On the next page, enter your email address and click the Get New Password button.
4) Open your email and follow the instructions to set a new password
For Teachers and School Admins, we enforce strong passwords that should be 8-20 characters and include one capital and one number.
Students may have weak passwords with a minimum of 4 characters required.

5) Click Save Password to save your new password on the final screen. Make sure to save this for your records!
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