About Video Playback Problems

About Video Playback Problems

Zenva Schools uses Azure Media Services for videos - a cloud-based server owned by Microsoft.

If you're experiencing video playback issues, try the troubleshooting tips below. However, if none of the items below solve your video playback problem, please reach out to us so that we can investigate the issue.


General Troubleshooting Tips

  • Try again later. Frequently, video playback problems are temporary issues with our third-party provider and resolve on their own. This said, we do apologize for the inconvenience in those situations.
  • Click this link to see if Azure is experiencing an issue in your area. You will specifically be looking for Azure Media Services' status.
  • Check your internet download speed. The streaming speed in your area might be having issues.
  • Contact the IT manager of your school. Perhaps the local network firewall blocks videos from Zenva Schools. Ask the IT department to whitelist domains listed in this article: What domains does my school need to allow?
  • See if the same problem occurs with a different web browser (e.g. switch from Chrome to Opera or Firefox).
  • Clear the cache in your current browser.
  • Enable JavaScript for your browser.
  • Disable browser plugins/extensions to see if they interfere with video playback.
  • Try a different device (e.g. switch from a desktop to a phone) to see if it is a device problem.
  • Try using a different internet connection with a different ISP (e.g. use a VPN). Please note that even if your internet works fine for other websites, your ISP may block or throttle files on our site.

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