About Code Editors for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python

About Code Editors for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python


Our platform provides easy access to blank Trinket and JSBin code snippets which can be used as in-browser code editors for HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Python-based projects. Through this, we aim to address challenges related to software installations and classroom management. This feature empowers educators to seamlessly integrate coding activities into their teaching, allowing students to practice coding in a controlled and accessible environment.


Please note the following limitations with these tools.

Language Support

Our new coding tool feature supports coding in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Pygame, and Python Turtle. Please be aware that these tools are tailored to these specific languages and verticals due to inherent limitations within in-browser software. They cannot be utilized with other programming languages or verticals.

Non-Saveable Environment

It's essential to understand that the code snippets offered within these in-browser solutions do not facilitate saving of work. However, students have the option to copy and paste their code into a local code environment in order to save it for later reference. The purpose of these tools is to provide an interactive space for practicing, learning, and sharing code on the fly.

How to Access the Coding Tools

Getting access to the new coding tools is easy, and they're designed to be user-friendly. Both teachers and students can easily find their way to the tools by going to Courses > Student Tools from the main menu above the page, as illustrated below:

Domain Whitelisting for Seamless Functionality

It's important to note that to ensure the smooth functionality of the new coding tools, teachers may need to whitelist certain domains. Whitelisting these domains will ensure that students can access and use the code editor without any technical hindrances. For more detailed instructions on how to whitelist domains, please refer to What domains does my school need to allow?

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