How to Remove School Students

How to Remove School Students

At certain points, you may need to remove a student from the school listing entirely.

Only the School Admin can delete students from their school. However, Teachers and the School Admin both can deactivate students (or simply remove them from a classroom).

See also 

Deactivate vs Delete

Deactivate means a student cannot access any Zenva Schools content or features. However, their name stays on the school list and the platform continues to save their progress data. The student can access content if a Teacher or the School Admin activates their account. A deactivated student does count towards the school's number of student licenses.

Delete is a permanent change. This feature removes all the student's data from the platform.  A deleted student does not count towards the school's number of student licenses. That means, if you delete a student, it frees up a license that you can use for a different student.


Deactivating a single student

Teachers and the School Admin can deactivate a student. There are two methods listed below.


Deactivate When Adding a Student

When adding a new user, uncheck the Active userbox. This will create the student account, but prevent them from accessing any course content. You can activate the student at any time after this moment.


Deactivating Students from the Student List

For students already on the school list:

  1. Hover the mouse on the Administration menu link.
  2. Click Students, which will show the students list.

From here, you can either deactivate a single student or multiple students at the same time.

Single Student

  1. Locate the student's name.
  2. Click Deactivate.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation pop-up window. Their Active status changes to no.

Multiple Students

  1. Locate the students' names and select the checkmark next to their names.

  2. Next to the search bar, select the Deactivate button.


At any time, you can reverse this process using the corresponding Activate button to change the status to yes.


Deleting a student

To delete a student, the School Admin should:

  1. Hover the mouse on the Administration menu link.
  2. Click Students to show the students list. From here, the School Admin can delete either a single student or multiple students.

Single Student

  1. Locate the student's name.
  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation pop-up window. Remember that this is permanent and cannot be undone!

Multiple Students

  1. Locate the students' names and select the checkmark next to their names.

  2. Next to the search bar, select the Delete button.

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