In this article, we'll discuss how to install Blender, the free, 3D modeling software. Before beginning, you may wish to review Blender's system requirements.
Installing Blender
2. In the top menu, click the Download option to open the downloads page.
3. From the Downloads page, select a version of Blender to download. By default, the big blue button should display the appropriate download for your machine. However, you can use the dropdown menu under it to select a different OS. You can also select the "Previous Versions" option in the top sub-menu to locate previous versions of Blender if needed.
4. Once it's downloaded, click on the installation file to start the installation process. Simply follow the installation prompts to select a agree to terms, etc.
Note that this installation will not overwrite old versions of Blender - you'll keep any versions of Blender on your machine you might install.
5. Once installation completes, you can simply open the program to start using it!